Date : 24 May 2022
Venue : MIBM Campus, Pune
1. Dr. Pramod Kumar, President
2. Dr. Saroja Asthana, Chairperson
3. Mr.Arpit Bejawalkar, Head, Pune Chapter, CII, Pune
4. Mr.Aniket Patil, Executive Officer, CII, Pune
5. Dr. Gopal Jahagirdar, Professor, MIBM, Pune
6. Mr. Sunil Chavan, Head Admissions, MIBM, Pune
7. Prof. Nitin Deshmane, Academic Chairperson, MIBM, Pune
8. Mrs. Sonali Kadam, Reportear, MIBM, Pune
1. To bridge the gap between industry and academia
2. To discuss the future plan for CSR activities