

Sr. No. Name of faculty Details Title of Invention Status
1 Dr. Nitin Kisan Deshmane Application No. 402940-001,
cbr date 23.12.2024,
cbr no 216319
Office complaint and leave management device Application accepted and certificate of design generated
2 Dr. Nitin Kisan Deshmane,
Dr. Vilas Pharande
Application No. 425694-001,
cbr date 03.08.2024.
cbr no 213766
Employee Productivity monitoring device Application under process (waiting for technical examination
3 Dr. Nitin Kisan Deshmane,
Dr. Vilas Pharande
Application No. 419837-001,
cbr date 13.06.2024. cbr no 210232
Heat Powered radiator battery Application accepted and certificate of design generated
4 Dr. Nitin Kisan Deshmane,
Dr. Vilas Pharande
Application No. 411780-001,
cbr date 28.03.2024,
cbr no 205149
Self-heating tiffin box Application accepted and certificate of design generated
5 Mrs. Sonali Kadam Application No. -384044-001
Cbr Number-204347
Cbr date - 17/4/2023
Automated speed vehicle control device Application accepted and certificate of design generated
6 Dr. Nitin Deshmane,
Dr. Gopal Jahagirdar,
Mrs. Sonali Kadam
Application No. -383215-001
Cbr Date-06/04/2023
IoT based data manager device Application accepted and certificate of design generated
7 Dr. Vilas Pharande,
Dr. Gopal Jahagirdar,
Dr. Nitin Kisan Deshmane
Application No. -383212-001 Productivity based incentive device Application under process (waiting for technical examination