Student Participated in Conferences

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Student Paper Publications


Batch 2023-24

Sr. No. Name of Student Conference name Host Institute Paper Title
1 Shivam Akhare  International Conference on Sustainable Management for Peace and Harmony (ICSMPH-2024) Mulshi Institute of Business Management, Pune Exploring Emotional AI in Customer Experience: A Study of Indian Consumers on Swiggy
2 Sapana Jinodiya  International Conference on Sustainable Management for Peace and Harmony (ICSMPH-2024) Mulshi Institute of Business Management, Pune Sustainable Packaging in ECommerce: Strategy Analysis
3 Gaurav Kshirsagar International Conference on Sustainable Management for Peace and Harmony (ICSMPH-2024) Mulshi Institute of Business Management, Pune Assessing the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Advertising Compared to Traditional Approaches
4 Priya Kumawat  International Conference on Sustainable Management for Peace and Harmony (ICSMPH-2024) Mulshi Institute of Business Management, Pune A Study on the Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Pune
5 Suyash Tiwari International Conference on Economic, Management, Accounting and Tourism (ICEMAT) University of Nusa Cendana, Indonesia Analyzing Customer Behavior and Purchase Patterns to Optimize Store-Level Performance
6 Ganesh Khetre International Conference on Economic, Management, Accounting and Tourism (ICEMAT) University of Nusa Cendana, Indonesia Evolving Structure and Functions of Capital Markets in India: Trends, Challenges, and Technological Innovations
7 Priya Kumawat International Conference on Economic, Management, Accounting and Tourism (ICEMAT) University of Nusa Cendana, Indonesia Tourism Investments and Economic Growth: A Financial Analysis of Developing Countries

Batch 2022-23

Sr. No. Name of Student Conference name Host Institute Paper Title
1 Mohammad Danish International Conference on Marketing Innovation & Analytics ,2023 held on December 15th - 16th, 2023 International School of Business and Media, Pune  
2 Bhavesh Jain International Conference on Marketing Innovation and Analytics ,2023 held on December 15th - 16th, 2023 International School of Business and Media, Pune  

Batch 2021-23

Sr. No. Name of Student Conference name Host Institute Paper Title
1 Shabbir Indorewala International Conference on Machine Learning Big Data Management Cloud and Computing (ICMBDC) Global Society for Research and Development, New Delhi, India Effect of customer satisfaction on sales performance
2 Prachi Shrivastava International Conference on Machine Learning Big Data Management Cloud And Computing (ICMBDC) Global Society for Research and Development, New Delhi, India Empirical study of factors influencing consumer brand switching behavior in IT industry
3 Abhishek Kumar Pandey International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study (ICEMSS) International Society for Engineering Research and Development, New Delhi, India Involving data analytics for improved customer satisfaction and engagement
4 Niharika Ojha International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E) held in New Delhi India Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists, New Delhi India Influencing marketing strategies to manage innovation
5 Aishwarya Dakhode International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E) Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists, New Delhi India Study of effect of recruitment and selection on employee engagement and productivity

Batch 2021-22

Sr. No. Name of Student Conference name Host Institute Paper Title
1 Swati Jethani International Conference on Humanities, Social Science and Business Management (ICHSSBM) held in Chennai, India Institute of Research and Journals, India A successive adoption of digital economy and challenges faced  Indian economy
2 Anushka Mishra Virtual International Conference on Business Management, Humanities and  Social Sciences South Asian Research Center, Bhubaneswar, India A role of e-commerce in achieving business sustainability of MSMEs during COVID-19 pandemic in India
3 Shubham Bhatt Virtual International Conference on Arts, Commerce and Business Management Academics Conference Network, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Role of digital marketing in brand awareness
4 Sumanth Gopalasetti Virtual International Conference on Management and Information Technology (ICMIT) Academics world, Malaysia Effect of debranding on customers behaviour

Batch 2020-21

Sr. No. Name of Student Conference name Host Institute Paper Title
1 Milan James International Conference on Arts, Commerce, and Business Management held in Pune Academics Conference Network, Bhuvaneshwar, India Effect of brand experience on consumers purchasing decisions: a study of telecommunication industry
2 Mohammad Kashif Virtual International Conference on Humanities, Social Science and Business Management Institute of Research and Journals, India Impact of work from home on employee performance and satisfaction